Me, You, and Anxiety


According to the Anxiety and Depression Association of America, anxiety and depression affects 10-20% of the aging population and can reduce our health and quality of life.  Anxiety has played a major role in my life and living with it hasn’t been easy at times. Constantly overthinking and overly analyzing every detail of my life has be exhausting, discouraging and depressing. Even paralyzing.
But through prayer, meditation and therapy, I have the strength to overcome this emotional instability. 
I may not be able to control life’s situations, but I have the capability of controlling how I react to them. I’m still a work in progress and I’m constantly practicing self-care and self-awareness. Regardless of age, race, sex, gender, looks, income or “followers”, mental health does not discriminate. So to those of you in the midst of this silent struggle, it’s ok if all you did today was survive. Just don’t give up. I see you. I feel you. I’m praying for you.

Be Easy!